Tuesday, September 02, 2008

A Trip to Kejimikujik National Park

Note: This blog post was brought to you today through the friendly assistance of DH who arrived home just in time take Iain away from his mother for a much needed, very much required, necessary, and crucial break (did I mention that I really, really needed a break?!?).

Warning: She’s a pretty picture heavy post today. You might want to grab your coffee/hot chocolate, knitting and sit down for a read.
Our trip to Kejimikujik was, in a word, wonderful. The weather held out the whole time we were there, only breaking after our last hike while we were feeding Iain in the hiking parking lot (safely ensconced in the van).

We stayed for two nights at the Jeremey’s Bay campground (site #85 – we highly recommend it) where our site backed into the forest and the campsites are nicely spaced so that they felt very private.

Iain has improved his walking ability on unsteady ground rapidly.

His favourite game over the weekend was running from the campsite into the road. Go Iain! Never mind your mother’s heart! Luckily, our campsite was nice, the ‘driveway’ deep and it took him awhile to run to the road. At least it took him long enough for one of us to catch him in time.

We had all kinds of ‘wildlife’ visit the campsite. Frogs, birds and squirrels were the most popular. Not bad considering we had our black and white guard dog who usually scares off wee critters. The animals living close to the campsite are used to people it appears.

We went on two hikes with Iain on DH’s back in the carrier.

The first hike, on Sunday, was to Peter’s Point and Snake Lake.

We did both loops of the trail – about 5 KM we estimate. Peter’s Point was lovely but there were already a couple of families swimming there so we visited the windy side of the point which was a wee bit too cool for swimming or loitering long.

On Monday, we hiked along the Mersey River, a very pretty little river.

Despite the fact that most campers pulled out of the campground that morning and that the parking lot we parked in was empty, we did meet other hikers and cyclists (it’s a mixed use trail). I don’t think I’d like to do that trail when it’s busy as, despite the signs saying ‘cyclists yield to hikers’, us hikers were definitely yielding to the cyclists.

It really was a great weekend and our first to Keji. We are now talking about trying to get out there for a couple of other day trips in the fall. And, there were really too many great pictures to not have a picture heavy blog post today!

And, yes, there was knitting over the weekend. I was knitting up some loot from my SEX on Friday. Interested?

1 comment:

Samantha said...

What beautiful pictures. :) The Mersey River is gorgeous. Do people paddle it?